Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Glucose tolerance test - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2010 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Health Essay Type Essay any type Tags: Tolerance Essay Did you like this example? Introduction Carbohydrate forms the principle source of energy. Usually polysaccharide (starch and glycogen) which are glucose units joined by a-glucosidic links and disaccharides (sucrose and lactose) the main dietary carbohydrate. Carbohydrate absorption must be presented to the intestinal epithelium in monosaccharide from mainly glucose and therefore digestion must precede absorption. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Glucose tolerance test" essay for you Create order Glucose gained a significant importance because brain cells are very dependent on it as it is sole source of energy supply. Red blood cells also depend on glucose to carry out their functions. Therefore the blood glucose concentration must be maintained within relative narrow range. After a carbohydrate-containing meal, glucose is transported in the portal blood to the liver, which takes up 60% of the glucose load. Consequently, a rise in the blood glucose concentration causes the release of insulin which will increase the entry of excess glucose into the liver where it is stored in form of glycogen. The normal plasma glucose concentration remains between 4.5 and 11 mmol/L, despite the intermittent load entering the body from the gastrointestinal tract. The maintenance of plasma glucose concentration below 11 mmol/L minimizes loss from the body as well as providing the optimal supply to the brain. Mayne, (1994). All the filtered glucose through glomeruli is reabsorbed in the pr oximal tubules. Therefore no glucose should be detected in urine; significant glycosuria occurs if the plasma glucose concentration exceeds 11 mmol/L. The two most important hormones in glucose homoeostasis are insulin and glucagon. Insulin is a 53 amino acid polypeptide, secreted by the ?-cells in the islet langerhans of the pancreas in response to a rise in the blood glucose concentration. Insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis and inhibits glycogenolysis through interaction with an exquisitely coordinated control mechanism that is central to the regulation of blood glucose concentration. Glucagon is a 29 amino acid polypeptide secreted by the ?-cells of the pancreatic islet. Its secretion is decreased by a rise in the blood glucose concentration. The action of glucagon is opposite those of insulin. It stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis through activation of glycogen phosphorylase, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and ketogenesis. Marshell, (2000). The world health organization (WHO ) defined diabetes on the basis of laboratory findings as a fasting venous plasma glucose concentration greater than 7.8 mmol/L and greater than 11.1 mmol/L two hours after the oral ingestion of the equivalent of 75g of glucose even the fasting concentration is normal. Mayne, (1994). Diabetes mellitus classified in two types; insulin dependent diabetes (IDDM type-1) where there is a defective insulin secretion. This condition presents in childhood or early adulthood (less than 20 years). Because of insulin deficiency, hyperglycaemia is very likely to occur. As a result glucose will leak to urine (glycosuria) because the plasma glucose concentration exceeds the renal threshold (10 mmol/l). Other consequences related to this condition are polyuria (frequent urination), glucose lost in urine draw water with it by osmosis producing osmotic diuresis characterized by polyuria. The excess fluid lost from the body leads to dehydration and thirst which is a compensatory mechanism to countera ct the dehydration. One of severe metabolic complication that may occur in this condition is ketoacidosis; there is increased lipid and protein breakdown, enhanced hepatic gluconeogenesis and impaired glucose into cells. Marshall, (2000). In this condition insulin doses are required for the treatment. The causes of the type I diabetes can be an autoimmune where the islet cell antibodies react specifically with the ?-cells, or viral infection that destroy the ?-cells of pancreatic islet. Individual with certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types have been shown to carry a particular high risk of developing type I diabetes. In type II diabetes, non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), obesity is the biggest risk factor, 90% of type II diabetes are obese and it is occurs in the late onset. In this condition ?-cells of islet langerhans are normal which means that there will be a normal insulin concentration and sometimes high in the blood. Also the sensitivity of insulins target cells reduced. The cause of reduced remains elusive, recent research suggest that adipose tissue cells secrete a hormone known as resistin, which interfere with insulin action in experimental animal. This could be an important link between obesity and insulin resistance. Resistin is distinct from leptin, the hormone secreted by adipose cells that plays a role in controlling food intake. (Kumar Clark, 2002). Treatment of this condition by dietary control and weight loss, exercise, sometimes oral hypoglycaemic drugs required. Other conditions can lead to Diabetes Mellitus such as absolute insulin deficiency due to a pancreatic disease (chronic pancreatitis, haemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis). Relative insulin deficiency, can cause diabetes mellitus due to excessive growth hormone, glucocorticoid secretion, or increased plasma glucocorticoid concentration due to administration of steroids. Also drugs like thiazide diuretics can cause diabetes mellitus. Mayne, (1994). Materials and method Please refer to medical biochemistry practical book (BMS2). Result: The equation obtained fro the calibration curve used to calculate the concentration of glucose in plasma. Y = 0.018 X Where y = absorbance x = glucose concentration Patient 1: P (fasting) = 0.078 / 0.018 = 4.3 mmol/L P (2hrs) = 0.105 / 0.018 = 5.8 mmol/L Patient 2: P (fasting) = 0.113 / 0.018 = 6.2 mmol/L P (2hrs) = 0.105 / 0.018 = 8.3 mmol/L Patient 3 P (fasting) = 0.148 / 0.018 = 8.2 mmol/L P (2hrs) = 0.264 / 0.018 = 14.6 mmol/L Conclusion: Patient 1 is normal Patient 2 has normal fasting glucose level and high value after 2 hours (9.6 mmol/l), so this patient must be retested before diagnosis. Patient 3 is diabetic Discussion The glucose calibration graph showed a good linearity which means that Beers Lambert law is obeyed and the results are accurate. In glucose tolerance test (GTT) the patient is asked to eat normally in t he three days leading up to the test and to be fasting for at least 12 hours. At the end of time the patient is asked to collect urine sample and blood sample is collected. After that, the patient drinks 75g of glucose in 300 ml of water within 5 minutes. After 2 hours, the patient is asked to collect anther urine sample and blood sample is collected. Normally when the patient is fasting, the glucose level should be 5.5 mmol/L and there is no glucose in urine. After the patient is given the sugar, the glucose level in the blood will increase, but in the normal person the glucose concentration should go back to normal within 2 hours and no glucose can be detected in urine. What is happening in the normal person after given glucose is that insulin is produced in high concentration, the glucose is converted into glycogen and then the glycogen is stored in the liver. Finally, insulin concentration also decreases to normal concentration. Whereas, in the diabetic patient the glucose leve l stays high because the insulin is insufficient, not produced or present but not functioning due to a defect in the ?-cells of pancreas. In normal condition, the filtered glucose is completely reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. In Diabetes Mellitus the blood glucose is much above the renal threshold (11 mmol/L), reabsorption becomes saturated and it starts to appear in urine. The presence of glucose in urine is called glucosuria. Glucosuria results in osmatic diuresis that increase water excretion and raises the plasma osmolarity, which in turn stimulates the thirst centre. Osmatic diuresis and theist cause classical signs and symptoms of polyuria (large volume of urine) and polydipsia (excessive thirst). In patient-1, fasting blood glucose (4.3 mmol/L) is within the normal range and no glucose in urine. After 2 hours the blood glucose level is 5.8 mmol/L, which is below 7.8 mmol/L and no glucose in the urine. These mean that this patient is normal. In patient-2, fasting b lood glucose is within the normal range and no glucose in urine. After 2 hours the blood glucose level is 8.3 mmol/L which is slightly high but it is within the normal range of impaired glucose tolerance (7.8- 11.1 mmol/l), whereas urine glucose is negative. This means that this patient must be retested before ending to diagnosis of impaired glucose or any other diagnosis. Many people with impaired glucose tolerance progress to develop diabetes, but this condition can be prevented with adoption of a diabetic-type diet and weight loss (if overweight). Whitby, G, et al, (1988). Patient-3 has high fasting blood glucose level (8.2 mmol/L), and in the urine the glucose is not detected. After 2 hours the glucose concentration did not reduce and it went higher up to 14.6 mmol/L. in addition to that, the urine dipstick showed very strong positive reaction (4+), which indicate that this patient is diabetic. In this patient the glucose concentration was high before the sugar was given. Thi s means that there is a defect in insulin secretion which can not breakdown the glucose and bring to the normal level. The high blood glucose level was due to glycogenolysis, gluconeogesis or high glucose intake. Therefore, this patient may have type-1 Diabetes Mellitus. Questions: What facts should be taken in account when interpreting the results of glucose tolerance test? The facts are: Patient should eat normal diet within 3 days before doing the test. The diet should contain at least 250g of carbohydrate. Patient should be fast over night at least 10-12 hours and does not eat during the test. The 75g of glucose should be dissolved in 300 ml of water and then ask the patient to drink it within 5 minutes after collection of fasting blood sample. A pregnant woman should be given less than 75g of glucose as it may affect the baby. If the amount of glucose given is less than recommended, it will affect the result as the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is standardized procedure. Patient should rest through the test; smoking is not permitted; drink of water is allowed. Blood sample should be collected in container that contains sodium fluoride to inhibit glycolysis. The patient must consult the health care provider if he/she is using medication that can interfere with the test result includes Thiazide diuretics (e.g. hydrochorothiazide), beta-blockers (e.g. prpanolol) oral contraceptive and some psychiatric drugs. There are interfering factors that affect OGTT. There are acute stresses for example, from surgery or infection, and vigorous exercise. Blood glucose rise with age and their renal threshold is increased. Time of sample collection is important (morning). The method we used employed glucose oxidase- name 2 other methods for glucose estimation and describe the principles used. Ortho-toluidine method (mono step): glucose reacts with ortho-toluidine in hot acidic medium to form a green coloured complex. The intensity of the final colour produced is directly proportional to concentration of glucose in the sample. UV-kinetic method: This method also measures the concentration of glucose. The reagent contains ATP, hexokinase, NADP and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzme in ethanol amine buffer (PH 7.5). Why HbA1c a better guide to long term diabetes control than glucose? The determination of plasma and urine glucose provides information about the metabolic status only at the moment. Long term control of glucose can be obtained with relative ease by measuring the amount of particular haemoglobin fraction in red blood cells. The glucose enters the red blood cells and binds the haemoglobin to a very small extent. Altho ugh some of the glucose diffuse from the haemoglobin due to formation of covalent bond, but some of the glucose will react with a particular amino acid in the haemoglobin protein. The haemoglobin/glucose complex has different chemical properties from the haemoglobin, thus it can be separated chromatographic or electrophoresis technique. The estimation of Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) depends on the mean plasma glucose concentration and the life span of red blood cells (RBCs). The normal level of non-diabetic is 6%. Also because it depends on the plasma glucose concentration, HbA1c in diabetic patient tend to be increased over the previous 1- months. The extent of elevation of HbA1c indicates the overall degree of blood glucose control; in poorly controlled diabetes it may rise as high as 25%. Whitby, (1998). So the higher percentage of HbA1c indicates more glucose bound to haemoglobin and hence poor control of diabetic. Subsequently this test is used to asses the quality of the long term control of blood glucose in diabetic patient. Also it examines the patient faithfulness with which he/she followed the health care instruction and the effectiveness of the medication prescribed for treatment.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Breast Implants - 785 Words

Breast Implants Why do women get breast implants? Do the breast implants make them feel good about themselves? Breast implants are a serious threat because, there are many risks involved, there are many disorders that are possible, and there are illnesses that you could catch after the operation. According to Marian Segal, many of the women who have had breast implants don’t exactly understand what is in their body. Silicone contains organic compounds, which have the physical properties of oils,resins or rubber, and which are more stable when exposed to heat and oxygen thanordinary organic substances. This is the same stuff that goes into your body making you think that you look good ( MS Bookshelf). There are many†¦show more content†¦Measurement of equilibrium swelling of the polymeric component by a good solvent. Determination of the amount of unreached crosslinker from its concentration in the total extractable (ODE documents 6). Pharmacokinetic or biodegradation studies of all materials contained in the finished sterilized device must be reported. Of special concern are questions regarding the ultimate fate , quantities, organs deposition, routes of excretion, and potential clinical significance of silicone shedding, retention, and migration. It would be good if every woman would ask questions about all that information (ODE documents 8). There are also many disorders that are possible. A person can suffer from: general anesthesia, as well as nausea, vomiting and fever. Infection, hemotoma are also possible. (collection of blood that causes: swelling pain and brushing.) Also very dangerous is the skin necrosis- when the tissue dies and blood flow doesn’t get to the skin. This can be caused by smoking, cortisone like drugs, implant that are too large for the available space (Segal 4). Autoimmune-like disorders are disorders which--signs include joint pain and swelling; tightness of the skin, redness or swelling. Swelling of hands and feet are also possible. A rash, swollen glands or lymph nodes; unusual fatigue; general aching. There is also a greater chance of getting colds, viruses and flu. Unusual hair loss,Show MoreRelatedThe Breast Implants Produced By Poly Implant1224 Words   |  5 PagesPIP Implant Scandal 1.0 Background The breast implants produced by Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) French company were banned in the year of 2010. PIP which was founded in year 1991 and was once the world’s third largest supplier of silicone gel breast implants was eventually shut down within the same year. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Importance of Literature Free Essays

ENG 101 7 February 2012 Importance of Literacy Literature is a creative and imaginative type of writing. It is a source of information that leads to the guiding principles of life. Having the knowledge to read literature attentively and understand it is extremely important. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Literature or any similar topic only for you Order Now Literacy is not optional, it is necessary. Literature is not just reading a text but being able to reflect upon it. There are many different types and forms of literacy. Some come in forms of poems and others as dramas or films. Literacy expands towards many varieties. There are children literatures such as â€Å"Winnie the Pooh† and there are also more sacred types of literature such as the scripter’s or Holy Bible. Reading or watching literature gives a person a chance to experience different thoughts towards different situations, it opens a persons mind to imagination. Understanding literature is a sign of intelligence and knowledge. It is not always simple to understand and reflect on literacy. It is important to be open-minded when reading or watching literature. Philosopher Edmund Burke once said, â€Å"Reading without reflecting, is like eating without digesting. † For all means philosopher Burke is one hundred percent correct. The ability to reflect on what is being told shows intelligence, it shows that you have not only read word by word, but you have read the whole piece as one. There are many mistakes that are caused by illiterate people. A perfect example of this concept is the story of a man who was responsible for the death of his son. In the essay â€Å"Hunger in America†, written by Richard Mitchell, Bill Barnhart was charged for certain criminal acts towards his sons death. Barnhart used a passage from the bible for his defense in the case. He believed that in the bible God said that no one should use any medication whatsoever. His son was sick and Barnhart refused to treat his son. His misunderstanding of what was being said cost his sons life. Being literate is extremely important. It can affect everyone around you. Learning literacy is a task that can take a while, but it is not impossible. Reading is extremely important; it is the basics in life. Sense everything requires reading words, the only thing that remains is the reflecting part. Reflecting what you have read shows that you have a clear understanding of what is being said. To be literate does not mean that a person has to read novels and books. It could be simply by reading the news paper, and article, or even a magazine or watching a film. As long as you take time to reflect on the information given and understand what is given, you can read whatever you wish to. Reading or watching literacy gives a person a chance to experience different thoughts towards different situations, it opens a persons mind to imagination. The understanding of literature brings many good things to us, either in science or entertainment. Everything that our world is built on has been based on literacy and continues to do so. Being literate is required to humankind, it is important that we all understand obstacles and situations in life. Literacy allows us to have an idea on how different people live their lives, and it also helps us to understand the purpose in our own life. How to cite Importance of Literature, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Arts Integration Essay Example For Students

Arts Integration Essay The paper must focus on the students understanding on development of a definition of arts integration in at least one art area. (Use at least three reference materials for the paper and use appropriate citations to avoid plagiarism. Arts integration combines curriculum and teaching among dance, music, theatre, and visual art, and interconnects the arts With Nan-arts subjects. Integration takes many forms as teachers from different subject areas collaborate for rich curricular connections. Arts Integration Theory (Back to top) Introduction Arts Integrated Instruction has become an area of great interest over the past decade as schools across the country are discovering the power of the arts when used as a catalyst for teaching across the curriculum. Arts integration is not a substitute for teaching the arts for their own sake, We are champions of art specialists in the schools, and recognize the need to add to their tortes in cities across the country. What is Arts Integration? It is important that all educators become aware of the successes that have been demonstrated when students become engaged in their own learning via arts integrated instruction. Arts integration is not about artist residencies, or occasional arts projects that connect to other curricular subjects. It is about a methodology and a philosophical approach to education that creates a level of personal connection and added depth in the classroom through a creative inquiry-based process of teaching and learning. How do learn more about how to do arts integration? This module in combination with the On-line Expeditions website encourages a layering Of arts integration Within the classroom as students engage in this work. You can access resources in your community, or within your own building reaps, that you didnt know existed before. Possibly the arts specialist(s) in your building would like to explore enhancing the core curriculum with rigorous arts integration. Or maybe you can arrange for professional development training that will introduce arts integration to your faculty in a substantive way. Another option might be to explore how you can bring in professional artists trained in this area to team teach with you in the classroom. Consider checking your state arts council for additional ideas and resources. Its always a good bet that some local theatre or dance troupe has an outreach aerogram that works in schools. Sometimes it is simply a matter of doing some research and inquiring about town. Some organizations also travel. As part of this module you will explore various aspects of the Arts for Learning website, NM. Retraining. Org. You may wish to return to this site for ideas and possible resources in your community. Benefits of an integrative approach An integrative approach to teaching, for example, connects visualization with reading comprehension, conceptualizes math, or brings an experiential context to the science or social studies classroom. Sing the arts can assist students in understanding and applying skills to standardized exams. Focus and concentration can be developed through an appreciation and application of different learning styles, such as linguistic, visual or kinesthesia thinking. Through the connection of personal experience with the subject matter, and an emphasis on the process Of discovery Which allows for unexpected outcomes, teachers help students to develop more complex thinking skills. Through the integration of perception into cognition, and expression into reflection, students perform at a significantly higher level. While this module Will focus on arts integrated activities oh can do yourself, know that having artists team teach in classrooms alongside teachers is an ideal model for truly integrated instruction, Research, Results, and Resources Critical Links and Champions of Change There has been much research on the work of arts integrated instruction and the value of arts in teaching and learning. Serial Killer Mind EssayAdvocates for the arts often use photographs of smiling faces to document the experience. But in a society that values measurements and uses data-driven analysis to inform decisions about allocation of scarce resources, photographs Of smiling faces are not enough to gain or even retain support. Such images alone will not convince skeptics or even neutral decision-makers that something exceptional is happening when and where the arts become part of the lives of young people. Until now, weve known little about the nature of this change, or how to enable the change to occur. To understand these issues in more rigorous terms, we invited leading educational researchers to examine the impact of arts experiences on young people. We developed the Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning initiative in cooperation with The Arts Education Partnership and The Presidents Committee on the Arts and Humanities to explore why and how young people were changed through their arts experiences. Executive Summary As a result of their varied inquiries, the Champions of Change researchers found that learners can attain higher levels of achievement through their engagement with the arts Moreover, one of the critical research findings is that the learning in and through the arts can help level the playing field for youngsters from stagnated circumstances Why the Arts Change the Learning Experience When well taught, the arts provide young people with authentic learning experiences that engage their minds, hearts, and bodies. The learning experiences are real and meaningful for them. While learning in other disciplines may often focus on development Of a singled skill or talent, the arts regularly engage multiple skills and abilities. Engagement in the artswhether the visual arts, dance, music, theatre or Other disciplines-?nurtures the development of cognitive, social, and personal competencies. Although the Champions of Change researchers conducted their investigations and presented their findings independently, a remarkable consensus exists among their findings: The arts reach students who are not otherwise being reached. The arts reach students in ways that they are not otherwise being reached. The arts connect students to themselves and each other. The arts transform the environment for learning. The arts provide learning opportunities tort the adults in the lives of young people. The arts provide new challenges for those students already considered successful. The arts connect learning experiences to the world to real work.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan

In a more instinctive manner, there is need to redefine Afghanistan’s security, economy and identity in order to minimize the increasing rate of poverty, tension and insecurity in the country (Kinsman, 2006). According to neoliberal theorists, Afghanistan has lost its ability to pursue self-interests in the international realm.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evidence derived from comprehensive analysis indicates that lack of human security; poor narcotic economy and identity crises have affected the rate of development in all sectors of the economy. Underdevelopment in the country has been manifested through low gross domestic production, literacy level, low life expectancy, frequent attacks and identity tension. This implies that firm steps must be taken to eradicate insecurity, violation of human rights and economic decline. By so doi ng, this guarantees increase in national security, economic growth and identity achievement (Kinsman, 2006). Furthermore, protection of human rights will help to overcome identity conflicts. Recently, economic relation theorists have raised concern on the state of economy, security and national identity in Afghanistan (Manley, 2007). Moreover, the theories have constantly insisted on the essence of national security, economic development and identity in response against international pressures. It is on this ground that this paper attempts to address and recommend how the economy, security and identity in Afghanistan can be eradicated. Theoretical approach From a theoretical perspective, it is evident that Afghanistan has lost its capacity to govern its self-interests in the international sphere (Kinsman, 2006). From a liberalist perspective, every country needs to have a central role to play in the international cooperation. Failure to this, the theorists perceive the state to have lost its power to the core states (Manley, 2007). Due to problems related to security, identity and economy, Afghanistan is unable to govern its national interest and thus can not offer a direction of its policies without external influence. To some extent, it has become a threat to international security due to Al-Qaida terrorist groups (Manley, 2007. However, these problems have been discussed in details below. Security It is apparent that security in Afghanistan has posed a great threat to the economy and identity of the citizens in particular (Ghaznizada, 2010). Evidence has been derived from the fact that the US army has been doubled to ensure security in the country as at 2009. For a long time, the US army has focused its effort in the country in order to eradicate the remnants of the warring groups (Manley, 2007. Frequent wars have left the country unstable for development and as well threatening the international community.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Numerous steps have been made in the effort to increase security. Such include establishment of a transitional government and consultative forums through which a new constitution have been formed (Kinsman, 2006). According to the liberalists, the survival of the country will only be determined by the present state. An objective has been set on how to defeat armed insurgent and terrorist groups in Afghanistan. It is imperative to note that though efforts have been made to enhance national security, such agenda has been left in the hand of coalition allies and NATO forces (Kinsman, 2006). Nonetheless, security enhancement in Afghanistan requires comprehensive strategies in order to achieve better results. From the perceived evidence external force from NATO and USA might not make a predominant change toward the current state unless the critical demands of the warring Taliban are met (Ghazni zada, 2010). Liberalist confirms that there can be no improvement in the security sector unless efforts are made to develop the economy and suitable political wing. In this case, it is perceived that such sectors are likely to evoke violence whenever there is any form of imbalance. Nevertheless, there rose a huge controversy over who is responsible for enhancing security in Afghanistan. According to liberal theories, the state should take a legitimate position in ensuring the security of the population. However, critics have given their views upon US, UN and NATO role in enhancing security in Afghanistan. Liberalists are against the idea through which the US army uses force to ensure security and protection of human rights in Afghanistan (Ghaznizada, 2010). To them, they perceive this as imperialism of the highest degree. In this case, they argue that great powers tend to assert their power over younger nations and thus they deprive them their self interests. According to this theor y, a country should be set free since it understands its indigenous problems better and freedom from the contemporary challenges lies on the hands of the nationals. For this reason, issue of security in Afghanistan has been of great concern in the international relation realm. Recommendations have been made permitting the government to delegate some of its responsibilities to international agencies and external military forces. Additionally, commercial and non-government, organizations, should reinforce the government in bearing the ultimate responsibilities (Ghaznizada, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Notably, we can not ignore the fact that though liberalists insist that the indigenous government should assume the role of fostering security, there are some constraints. For instance, Afghanistan government has been prone to shortage of resources, poor political ideologies and historical needs. In this case, there is a huge dilemma on how security can be enhanced through such a fragile political base. Therefore, external efforts from the US army, UN and NATO have made a tremendous mark in reinforcing the government to combat insecurity in Afghanistan (Kinsman, 2006). From a status review, it is evident that the US troops has unlimitedly donated resources in order to reconstruct the country irrespective of several limitations face. In this case, liberalists do not dismiss the role played by the ally groups. Furthermore, they confirm that there is need for there to be an international consensus in order to foster unilateral actions of rebuilding the country’s security. As mentioned earlier, it is therefore advisable to employ combined efforts where the indigenous government and the international organizations such as NATO, UN and US army will work together to enhance security in Afghanistan (Kinsman, 2006). I n line with this, there are several recommendations in which this security as a major objective can be achieved in order to enhance ultimate success in Afghanistan. One of the recommendation involve establishment of provincial reconstruction teams (Manley, 2007. These teams are essential in ensuring that security reforms are followed strictly. Such reforms include disarmament and demobilization policies. In line with this, such teams strengthen the government’s ability to administer at the provincial and district levels. Another recommendation is use if international military to intervene and fight against terrorism. By so doing, this will help to establish both domestic and national security (Kinsman, 2006). In addition to this it is recommended that programs of demilitarization, reintegration and demobilizations should be formulated. Moreover, the programs should be well designed in order to reduce heavy armaments and acceleration of training activities for the terrorist gr oups. Such programs also help to devise alternative means of training and employing middle-level forces.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More That not withstanding, it is also recommended that the country’s national army should be adequately trained (Radek, 2004). This makes them to become more equipped to fight and combat terrorist groups. This also enhances their warlord power over the existing militia terrorists. The government should also give them incentives in order to foster cooperation. In the long run, it will be possible to achieve national integration and security. Other than international organizations, there are other tools that can be used to ensure ultimate security in Afghanistan. For instance, the non-governmental organizations can be used to enhance a humanitarian security aid that is vital in rebuilding the nation. In addition to this private sectors can also be used to reinforce the state’s efforts in providing security services and other primal responsibilities (Radek, 2004). It is also advisable to use numerous tools that are diplomatic, economic and military while addressing the proble m of security. International groups have used military tactics that has been successful in combating warring groups. Besides this, they have also used economic tactics such as providing the country with food donations and medicine for the population (Kinsman, 2006). Economy Insecurity in Afghanistan has resulted to grave challenges toward the country’s economy. It thus beyond doubt to comment that the economic development in Afghanistan lingers an outlying hope (Anon, 2009). The viability of the economy highly depends ultimately on the presence of a legitimate government. Researchers conform that the current state of the economy is almost collapsing. It is imperative to note that Afghanistan economic trend is not sustainable to support the demands of the population. The lucrative trade of opium products has been posed by enormous international threats (Anon, 2009). In this case, there exist three categories of the economy. There is the war, shadow and coping economy and each has its own dynamics. However, it is evident that the economy has been faced by stiff challenges thus making the rate of living to be very high. Since the economy highly relies on farming farmers lack incentives and economic security thus they tend to collaborate with criminals and terrorist (Anon., 2008). Therefore, they purchase poppies which they later convert to narcotic drugs for sale. After a period of time Afghanistan economy was turned into an illicit one and has been countered by the west. It is important to note that under such an economy, the country has not been able to resist threat from military group and pressures from the west. Furthermore due to the increased pressure, we can refer to the economy as a â€Å"war economy† (Anon, 2009). This is due to the fact that international power holders have always question Afghanistan government for allowing such an illicit economy. Moreover, the nationals put pressure to the government since it was unable to cater for th eir upkeep. Forcefully, they transited into the illegal economy in order to advance the opportunities for existence. However, efforts have been made to transform the economy from drug dealing to a more legitimate one (Anon., 2008). That’s not withstanding, transforming the economy is not a smooth sail since it requires a collective efforts in order to enhance better systems of security and development. In this case, there are recommendations that should be taken into consideration in order to eradicate the illicit economy and as well promote sustainable growth. According to liberalists, a change can not be achieved in the traditional ways always. Therefore, there is need to integrate multiple means In order to eradicate economic challenges. For instance, one of the most suitable tools involves use of economic tactics. Examples of such tactics include providing alternative means in which farmers would generate viable money, provide incentives and enhancing economic security (A non, 2009). Moreover, the government should also castigate opium growers and as well the distillers in order to eradicate risks associated with nominal illegality. Establishment of security institutions would also make it hard for traffickers to smuggle the drug. According to liberalists, the government should make the demands of the people to be superior and thus such illegal activities are justifiable since they are means of attaining basic amenities. In this case, there should be economic incentives that need to motivate people to abandon the illicit activities (Anon, 2009). For instance, diversification of food crop might not be effective unless the government provide the people with infrastructural facilities. The international organizations have played a large part in fostering economic security in Afghanistan in the past 6 years. International relation has established counternarcotics operations in Afghanistan. For instance, the USD agencies have declared a Jihad for the popp y production through sentiments such as drug control strategies. Instead, the US agency has tried to encourage licit agriculture and this has made poppy production to drop by 37% as at 2007 (Anon, 2009). However, I recommend that non-governmental organizations to be used as tools that will reinforce the government in encouraging licit farming. Notably, efforts have been made to finance licit agriculture such as availing affordable farm equipments, quality seeds and fertilizers (Anon, 2009). Moreover, other international agencies such as the NATO have encouraged small scale businesses by providing financial aids in terms of loans. This has facilitated toward the growth of agro-processing and crop exports. Foreign aid and engagement from external agencies have emerged crucial for rebuilding Afghanistan’s economy (Kinsman, 2006). Due to the fact that the country still remains poor, liberalists confirms that there should be an increased role in which the indigenous government tak es to promote economic growth (Kinsman, 2006). Therefore, it is recommended that for there to be economic progress the government of Afghanistan should be autonomous of eternal influence to determine the fate of its people. Nevertheless, this can be very tricky since the government has been unable to eradicate the peace spoilers in favor of illicit activities. For this reason, no matter how much we try, it is impossible to do away with external organizations such as UN, US and NATO agencies (Anon., 2008). In this case, it is upon the government and international community to come together to foster comprehensive economic growth in the nation. Identity: The issue of identity has been debated upon in the international relations arena. In this case, international relation has devised tools and recommendations concerning identity as a political problem. In the context of Afghanistan, there exist two components of identity namely ethnic and religious identity. According to liberalistsâ⠂¬â„¢ view, identity crises are inevitable particularly when a country is at its initial stages of political, social and economic evolutions. It is on this ground that the international relations aim to persuade Afghans to embrace religious beliefs that are not tied to violent extremist organizations. It is apparent that in Afghanistan there are several religions such as Islam and Christianity. However, Islam has the majority of the population. Ethnic identity guards the people toward their historical and social groups (Phillips, 2011). In this case, different ethnic groups have different values and relations. From the period of independence, Afghanistan has faced identity crisis even though there are no clear boundaries distinguishing each group. However, different identities in line with ethnicity have been used as a political tool thus creating tension. However, there have been factors that have influenced people’s identity. For instance the central government has played a major role in influencing people’s identity in a way through education and the media (Radek, 2004). The main goal of the government was to establish a common social identity referred to as the Pashtuns. The issue of identity has given rise to many challenges since there are people who decline to associate themselves to a particular identity. Due to identity tension, some people have denied their own identity and other have opted to keep it a secret for fear of confrontations. Differing upon a common identity has made the country to lack a national familiarity and thus it become complicated to define Afghanistan in the international arena (Phillips, 2011). It is imperative to mention that by paying much attention on the traditional social groups people have been resented and thus decline to associate themselves to a particular social group. Therefore, due to resentment these groups waste time in acrimonious activities rather that taking time to develop an identity. For instan ce, there had been a Jihad war among the communist coup during the evolution of national identity (Radek, 2004). This war caused division among social groups each undertaking its own national duty on its own volition. However, the international relation agencies have tried to persuade the Afghans to embrace ethnic and religious beliefs that are not tied to violent extremist organizations. To achieve this goal several recommendations can be used to ensure success. For instance the international community, Afghanistan’s government and non-governmental organizations should encourage education for all (Kinsman, 2006). Through a unified education system it becomes easier to integrate individuals of different identities to interact and thus accept individual differences without tension. In the long run, education will help to weaken ethnic divisions (Narayanan, 2010). Moreover, it is recommended that international relation should try to persuade the Afghan’s government to in crease large number of ethnic groups being represented in the central government (Manley, 2007. According to liberal theory, separate social groups have various demands to make depending on the national needs. Therefore it is not enough to let few ethnic groups such as Pashtuns and Tarjik to represent other groups (Radek, 2004). In this case, to achieve an identity, there is need for a larger representation by strongly-developed ethnic and religious groups in the government. In a shift of focus, the only tool that is suitable in solving identity problem is the Afghan government. This is due to the fact that it is only the government that understands the indigenous difficulties concerning identity. Conclusion Imperatively, liberal theory is the best theories when addressing and giving recommendations to be followed to achieve success in terms of security, economy and identity issues in Afghanistan (Manley, 2007. The theorists conclude that security in Afghanistan has gone past the ca ll for auxiliary international forces to in the country. However, It should not be enforces by increased armed force against the nationals but through a genuine reconciliation at the national level. This will help in addressing the grievances and demands of the Afghans. On the other hand, regardless of the wavering hope on the economy collective efforts can help to achieve sustainable growth of licit economy as opposed to the vast growing lethal economy. Concerning the issue of identity, Afghans need to identify themselves with non-extremist identity. By so doing, the country will be able to bear the external critics in the international arena. In a nut shell, problems of security, economy and identity can only be addresses through integrated approaches. Therefore, a combined effort from the government, international agencies (NATO, US, UN) and non-governmental organizations are required to see these problems solved. References Anon. (2008). Asia: No quick fixes; Afghanistan’ s opium poppies. The Economist, 387(8585), 54. Anon. (2009). Opium Takes Over Families and Villages in Afghanistan. News for You, 57(41), 3. Ghaznizada, W. (2010). Afghan Air Force training facilities rebuilt after 20 years. Web. Kinsman, J. (2006). Afghanistan comes home. Policy Options, 28(1), 58-61. Manley, J. (2007). Afghanistan: meeting the development challenge. Policy Options, 28(9), 6-12. Narayanan, D. (2010). Afghanistan: Emerging From the Rubble. Web. Phillips, M. (2011). An Airline Magazine That Makes Travelers Want to Pull the Rip Cord: Safi Shows the Real Afghanistan, From Dog Fighting to Dry Swimming Pools. Web. Radek S. (2004). Meanwhile, in Afghanistan. National Review, 56(19), 34-36. This essay on Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan was written and submitted by user Hepz1bah to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Meaningless and thoughtless facts Essay Example

Meaningless and thoughtless facts Essay Example Meaningless and thoughtless facts Paper Meaningless and thoughtless facts Paper The girls confidence is undermined further when she is asked to describe a horse. After a moment of awkward silence focused on Sissy, the schools idea of a perfect pupil proceeds to churn out many facts about the horse resulting in a precise but uninspired definition. The perfect response, it seems, is a list of meaningless and thoughtless facts. Bitzer appears dull and uninteresting, if he were cut, he would bleed white.  Some boy, as he is referred to (perhaps Dickens is venting his irritation at this type of child by using such a general, characterless term) defines a horse: Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely twenty-four grinders, four eyeteeth, and twelve incisive. Sheds coat in spring; in marshy countries, sheds hooves, too. Hooves hard, but requiring to be shod with iron. Age known by marks on mouth.  This explanation of a horse is completely factual, devoid of emotion, imagination or fancy.  Sissy is positioned at one end of the room, receiving a full beam of sunshine from the window, appearing radiant and even angelic, whilst Bitzer, who sits at the other end of the classroom, fails to catch the end. The girl was so dark-eyed and dark-haired that she seemed to receive a deeper more lustrous colour from the sunthe boy was so light-eyed and light-haired that the same self-rays appeared to draw out of him what little colour he ever possessed.  Dickens uses this idea to highlight the difference between Gradgrinds ideal pupil and Sissy who has not yet succumbed to the dehumanisation. This may have another meaning too; Gradgrind has not yet drained Sissy of her colour and emotions (she appears alive), yet Bitzer, a frequent victim of Gradgrinds lessons, has been sapped of these qualities. Dull facts have taken their place. Dickens presents Gradgrind as a hard man and this is reflected in his name, which is harsh and blunt. Dickens describes Gradgrinds mouth as wide, thin and hard set, and his voice as inflexible, dry and dictorial. He is described as square and stubborn too The emphasis was helped by the speakers square wall of a forehead, which had his eyebrows for its base. His head is described as a, warehouse-room for the hard facts stored inside. Mr. Gradgrind, like any teacher seems to have his favourite pupils. They are usually children that are intelligent and bright, which again, is not uncommon among teachers. Dickens describes Gradgrind as square, he says that he wore a square coat, had square legs, square shoulders, a square wall of a forehead and a square forefinger, which all help to add emphasis to Gradgrinds strange stature. The repeated use of the theme square gives the image of something completely equal, symmetrical, in a way perfectly calculated, just like Gradgrinds mind. A square is boring and dull though it suitably imitates Gradgrind. Dickens said of his eyes, To have found commodious cellarage in two dark caves, overshadowed This states that Gradgrinds eyes, (eyes often being thought of as a true character display), show no sign of life or liveliness, the fact that the eyes, representing life and imagination, are overshadowed by the wall, tells me that Gradgrind has lost all character and imagination. Barry Hines presents Gryce in a similar way but cunningly uses a modified version of onomatopoeia via his name that evokes images of slime, grease and evilness. Both authors use this naming technique to portray characters in each novel. Mr. MChoakumchild from Hard Times certainly stretches the limit of a realistic persons name but it does create images of children choking extremely effectively! Mr. Gradgrind is portrayed as a very rigid person, with a certain monotone about him. He hates all fiction and is absent of feeling and emotion, which makes him very uninteresting to pupils. This is reflected in pupils like Bitzer, who makes the horse sound boring, like a machine even. Thomas Gradgrind totally believes in the teaching of facts only as did most schools as teachings during this period were void of poetry, make-believe tales, or song. Children were brought up upon facts and figures because it was found that children in London believed that Jack the Giant-killer, Jack and the Bean-stalk, and Jack and Jill were real life people. The children in these areas were ignorant dreamers who aspired to be like the famous Jacks and slay giants, dragons and other mythical creatures and ride off with the princesses. This was why statisticians and people in power immediately called for a plan that would store the minds of children with nothing but facts and figures. When this system inevitably fails towards the end of the novel, Dickens could be trying to show the reader that to teach children successfully, emotion and feeling must somehow be incorporated into their education. A Kestrel for a Knave is based in and around a secondary modern school (similar to Hard Times) run by Mr. Grice. It accommodates the failures of the eleven plus exam; those ultimately destined for working class jobs. Pupils faced harsh, violent punishments that were suppressed by the authority. The boys, however, still rebel against the system, as it seems to the reader that eventually the punishments become a way of life. The boys are called by their surnames (an improvement upon numbers but still lacking emotion). It would seem that the system has failed Billy as he is in his last year at school and isnt yet competent at reading or writing. Though the lack of support from his mother may have heeded Billys progress significantly, Id presume that Billy has probably been left to study with little or no help from his mother or his brother; Jud. One lesson we witness in A Kestrel for a Knave also aims to teach the pupils about facts. However Mr. Farthing who is a caring and a more fatherly teacher (once again links in with the name) teaches this lesson. Mr. Farthing has gained some respect from the class of boys from his kind personality. Although the lesson has the same content as the lesson in Hard Times, it becomes obvious that Farthings teaching is different. He manages to involve Billy in the lesson, which is an achievement as Billy is normally shy, lacking motivation. Farthing teaches in a more relaxed fashion, allowing the lesson to flow whilst also welcoming input from the boys. He encourages Billy to participate and makes him feel positively unique as he has something interesting to share with the class. Billy speaks about Kes, who he has raised and trained, and Farthing seems genuinely interested Jesses, how do you spell that? He writes words on the board, involving the whole class while discussing one persons unusual talent. Billy becomes the teacher for a while as Farthing does not control as Gradgrind does. The lesson becomes full of individuality as Billy shares his unusual hobby and his confidence grows. This would never have happened in a lesson taught by Gradgrind, he would never encourage a pupil to take over his position and would think a pastime like Billys ridiculous. The way in which Farthing nurtures Billys thoughts reflects the way in which Billy has nurtured Kes and the time and devotion that Billy has shown the bird is matched, although on a smaller scale, by the way Farthing waits for Billy to reveal his thoughts and questions him gently. However, few teachers manage children as Farthing does therefore few children are encouraged and nurtured on a one to one basis, most are merely generalised: Billy and some fellow students stand in Mr. Gryces office, where a poor messenger gets caught up with the group and is forced to temporarily keep hold of their cigarettes. Mr. Gryce finds the cigarettes, accuses the small boy of being a regular cigarette factory and calls him deceitful. The boy, who appears never to have had a beating in his life, receives the cane, which proceeds to make him vomit violently. Gryce seems to think that he knows everything that there is to know about the education system. For that reason he doesnt listen to the boys frequent interruptions and attempts to save himself. The reader of the Bible in the previous scene read his extract during the school assembly with no expression and very little punctuation. The sense of irony stands out that this is completely the opposite of the twentieth century education method.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Primark Supplying Consumers With Ethically Sourced Garments Essay - 18

Primark Supplying Consumers With Ethically Sourced Garments - Essay Example The researcher states that Primark produces wide ranges of products comprising of various sub-brands such as Early days, Rebel, YD, Atmosphere, Ocean club, Love to lounge, OPIA, No secret, Denim Co., Cedar Wood State. Additionally, Primark also manufactures accessories, clothing’s, footwear and other essential consumer items with respect to the needs of men, women as well as children. Furthermore, Primark produces different varieties of home and beauty products as per the needs of customers. Primark thus operates as a branch of â€Å"Associated British Foods† that has enabled expansion of its business with respect to food items as well as the development of its retail group. The improvement in technology has increased the demand for products and that in turn has raised the importance of supplying ethically sourced garments. On the other hand, buying behavior of consumers tends to affect the growth as well as the profitability of supplying organizations in the long run. The organization claims to be ethical by producing low-cost products in underdeveloped countries with the aim of serving the low-income groups. Primark also bear responsibilities towards nature and natural resources existing within. The report’s objective is, therefore, to define Primark’s manufacturing process and reflect the way it can affect the underdeveloped countries while producing low-cost products. Business ethics can be defined as the core principals and rules as well as regulations required to be followed by businesses, considering the demands of consumers. In the ethical context, Primark has developed principals and rules that in turn has enhanced its social responsibility and has proven to be effective for its success in attaining the determined organizational goals.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Annual Report Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Annual Report Project - Essay Example Current economic environment. Due to the global turmoil and recession, consumers became more conservative in their spending behavior. With this in mind, they purchased less and chose to buy less expensive set of goods leading to low sales by the company. Global fuel prices. Safeway has its own gas stations. The rapid increase and abrupt changes in fuel prices per gallon has greatly affected the revenue of Safeway Company. Fuel sales increased by $1408.7 million. Stores. Safeway has stores allover the United States, Canada and Mexico among others. According to Safeway’s financial report of 2011, the management declared that most of its stores are more than 47000 square feet with considerations of their site. Although they rent out certain premises, Safeway also has its own stores and these are crucial in its operations. Safeway has the policy of segregation of duties. This is where one employee or department is not given the task of running a transaction from the beginning to the end without being checked by another person. This reduces the risk of errors and intentional manipulation of information. This is possible since a specific task goes through various employees and departments and in each stage the details are counterchecked by someone different. The management of Safeway ensures that the company assets are safe and only authorized personnel can access them for company use. There is also the use of documentation of projects to ensure their movement is tracked. In this technological age, the use of closed circuit cameras is also used to monitor movement of people in and out of where documents are put under lock and key. Human beings are also stationed in strategic places as guards to protect against unauthorized entrance to protected areas. Within the accounting function at Safeway, the management has put in place measures to ensure that transactions are authorized and accurately recorded. This is done

Monday, November 18, 2019

Adultery and inappropriate relationships among the ranks in the Army Research Paper

Adultery and inappropriate relationships among the ranks in the Army - Research Paper Example Female and male veterans are reported to confirm reports of rampant sexual trauma during their service in the military. The military has been reluctant to take action against these allegations. Military officials are said to have received over 3000 reports on sexual assault in the year 2011. However, reports indicate that only 191 cases have successfully been convicted in the court-martial. This has encouraged the outrageous behavior in the military circles. No wonder, the majority sexual predators are repeat offenders. Sexual assailants in the military are said to be unaware of the impact of their actions to the lives of the victims. This essay seeks to explore the issue of adultery and inappropriate relationships among ranks in the military. Many people believe that sexual ethics in the military fall under personal choices and should never be governed by the military. Research shows that most people believe that extramarital affairs should not be punishable in the military. A poll indicated that 49 percent of Americans believe that adultery should be allowed in the military. The argument in based on the fact that adultery is a personal choice regardless to whether it is right or wrong. Most of the people who back adultery in the military use the natural law theory (Mitchell, 1998). The argument suggests that the essence of having sexual urges is to explore sexual relationships with multiple partners (Brinson, 2008). The natural law suggests that it is natural to fulfill the sexual urges and desires. Multiple cases have been reported dealing with cases of immorality in the military. Army major John Lonhouser, Air force General Joseph Ralston and General David Petraus are representative of what is happening in the top ranks of the United States military. The junior ranking troops imagine that the drill sergeants live in an insular world. The junior officers believe the word from their commanders is final. As a result, they suffer from rape and sexual assaults w hile serving in the United States military. Most of these troops suffer retaliation after reporting these cases (Brinson, 2008). Sexual assaults have resulted to demoralization of the United States military, especially those who have fallen victims. The military is expected to be a moral leader in the United States. Research indicates that there is a culture of condoning military adultery and improper sexual relationships in the units of the United States army. However, the rules tend to be different for the generals (Mitchell, 1998). According research, consensual sex seems to be widely tolerated in the United States army. The media seems to put top generals into limelight. However, the military structures, culture and attitude is accustomed to sexual offences (Valente & Wight). Soldiers are known to work in extreme conditions (Brinson, 2008). They spend most long period of time away from their families. This has been attributed to the multiple cases of adultery in improper relatio nships among the ranks in the army. The department of defense has conducted large-scale surveys with regard to adultery and improper relationships in the coast guards, Marine Corps, navy army and air force active-duty personnel (Mitchell, 1998). Research confirms the women and men experience gender-related discrimination which has been in the rise in the last one decade. For long, sexual harassment had been termed as a problem facing the military women. However, men are increasingly becoming targets of improper relationships at an alarming rate. The military culture and gender based imbalances while on active duty have been cited as some of the causes of adultery and improper relationships among the military personnel. The military environment provides the sexual offenders

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fedex Express In Vietnam Commerce Essay

Fedex Express In Vietnam Commerce Essay This thesis aims to evaluate and formulate business strategy for FedEx Express in Vietnam to further promote the companys competitive advantages. Fred R. Davids Comprehensive strategic management Model is used for this strategic formulation. At the first stage of this process, FedEx Vietnam quantitative evaluations of internal, external environments and its Competitive Ability Profile are created. A strategic group of five managers and specialists who are knowledgeable in air express transportation industry is formed up to determine factors of each matrix and weight/ score of each attributes of these components. Data from this input stage shows the companys Internal Factor score shows companys weakest points are operating under agency contract. FedEx External Factor score reveals the company is responsive to external environment. However the level of responsiveness to competitors and administration style in Vietnam is not high. In Competitive Profile Matrix, FedEx ranks the second position among the four market leaders. The areas that company needs to look into for improvement is customer service and marketing. With the data from input stage, SWOT matrix and Grand strategy matrix are used to formulate all applicable strategies. At final stage of the formulation process, all alternative strategies that were selected in matching stage are put in Qualitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) to determine which strategies out of given alternative strategies are more attractive. With the result, the thesis goes to some recommended tactics for some key functions to implement the two selected strategies for FedEx in Vietnam. RATIONALE THE RESEARCH As an infrastructure service, air express transportation playing more and more important role in the global economy. In Vietnam, the economic booming and dramatic growth of international trade bring very high demands for air express transportation. This demand is critical in both terms of transportation capacity and quality of service. Being in Vietnam for more than 17 years, FedEx Express the world leading air express transportation company, has been operating under agency contract with Seabornes Logistic. This business model gave FedEx an excellent access to Vietnam market at start up. However after more than 17 years of development, in new business context with stronger competition and higher customer demand the company is facing with following challenges: Gap between customer needs and the ability of the operation team Various customer demand for value added service versus the current core products Harder competition from main competitors This situation requires FedEx VN to review its strategy for necessary adjustment in order to maintain the good growth and steadily expand its market share. And that is my purpose to choose this topic for my thesis. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The research has 3 main objectives: Review strategy formulation models and theories that are applicable to the practical business. Evaluate FedExs competition ability in the context of Vietnam air express industry. The research will propose recommendations for FedEx business strategy in Vietnam from now to the year 2018. This research will answer the following questions: Why FedEx need to change its business strategy in Viet Nam? What is attractive strategy for FedEx Vietnam to 2018? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Fred R. Davids strategy formulation framework is used for the strategy evaluation and selection. The model includes three stages: input stage, matching stage and decision stage. In the input stage, a team of strategists with participation of fifteen members from regional and FedEx Express Vietnam sales, marketing, customer service and operation management was formed up. The team discussed and agreed on list for internal factors (for Internal Factor Evaluation IFE Matrix), external factors (for External Factor Evaluation EFE matrix) and key success factors (for Competitiveness Profile Matrix). After the three matrices created, members of the team score weight and rate of each component factor independently. The collective IFE, EFE and CPM are made up by average the score from each team member. These matrices then are brought to team discussion for final review and comment. Secondary data from FedEx profiles, industry surveys/reports and related information from Internet was used for the team analysis and evaluation. In the matching stage, outcome of the input stage is used to generate feasible alternative strategies. SWOT matrix and Grand Strategy Matrix are the two techniques in this stage. Result of matching stage is a consolidated work sheet with all alternative strategies. The strategies which are applicable in both matrices are picked up for analysis in Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). In QSPM strategist can determine which strategy is most attractive to the firm base on attractive score. This is the last stage of the process. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The research is for business strategy of FedEx Express in Vietnam from now to 2018. However strategic management is a continuous process containing of strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. But in the scope of this research, the thesis will focus on some business strategies recommendation for FedEx Express Vietnam only. Given the scope of the thesis, detail implementation plan and evaluation/feedback for continuous improvement which are equally important to ensure a successful strategy were not deeply mentioned in the research. Without evaluation and feedback, management cannot get all employees involved in the strategic management process and hence cannot take full advantage of the process. CHAPTER I: THEORICAL FRAMEWORK Strategy and Business Strategy Definitions Strategy is not a new concept. In modern economy, when talking about business, strategy is usually the first thing to be mentioned. It is considered as cornerstone of business which determines failure or success of a firm. Thereve been a lot of definitions by scholars and researchers over the world. In an article What is strategy? on Havard Business Review in 1996  [1]  , Micheal E. Porter defined strategy as creating fit among a companys activities. The success of a strategy depends on doing many things well not just a few and integrating among them. If there is no fit among activities, there is no distinctive strategy and little sustainability. Regarding corporate strategy, a definition by Kenneth R. Andrews in 1998  [2]  supposed Corporate strategy is the pattern of decisions in a company that determines and reveals its objectives, purposes and goals and it produces the principle policies and plans for achieving those goals, and defines the range of business the company is to pursue. Strategy also defines the kind of economic and human contribution it intends to make to shareholders, employees, customers and communities. Another definition by John A. Pearce in 2000, a strategy reflects companys awareness of how, when and where it should compete, against whom it should compete and for what purpose it should compete. In all mentioned definitions, strategy and business strategy are almost the same in a corporate or entrepreneur scope. So, in general, a business strategy defines how a business/firm will go to succeed in its industry and market against its competitors. So, it should represent the ways that the management can make to define and secure the future of that business. In particular, a business strategy defines the scope of business, objectives, offering values, competitive advantages to meet customer needs as well as succeed now and in the future. Furthermore, a business strategy should include both objectives to be accomplished and the actions must be done to follow that direction. Business Strategy Management Business strategy management is defined as the set of decisions and actions that result in the formulation and implementation of plan designed to achieve a companys objectives. In general, business strategy management process includes three steps: Figure 1: Strategy management process Source: Strategic Management, Statistic Publishing House 2007  [3]   The formulation step includes analysis of current situation, forecast of future status to select and set up an appropriate strategy. Implementation is a process to achieve strategic target(s) by using strategy formulation that set out in previous step. To make the strategy working well, an important step is evaluate and adjustment. At this phase, the implementation is analyzed to see if there is any area that firms need to change to make the strategy more adaptable. Business strategy management helps enterprise clearly determines its objectives and how to archive it. It is instrumental in archiving high performance, cost effective and action oriented. With setting up of short term objectives in supporting for long-term ones, the process involves all members of the company, from front line employee to senior management level. This in return will enhance the firm to prevent troubles. Manager will get support from subordinates in forecasting of the strategic planning and in monitoring of the implementation stage. The involvement of employees in strategic formulation also improves their knowledge of the productivity reward relationship in all strategic plans hence, it heightens their motivation. The strategy management also helps the firm better adapt to changes of environment. The movement of environment, especially for those fast moving factors, usual creates opportunities as well as risks to the firm. Continuous strategic management which requires managers to analyze and forecast of the near and far future environments, helps manager to better manage and make the best of opportunities while minimize the risk that firm may have to face with. However, business strategy management process usually requires a lot of time and effort from managers. This might has a negative impact to operational responsibilities. Manager must be trained to minimize this impact by scheduling their duties to allow necessary time for strategic activities. Business Strategy Formulation Process: To give out strategic decision, it requires a comprehensive study on internal and external environments of a firm in regard to the firm objectives. Going to further details of the formulation process, it can be divided into 3 stages: Figure 2: Strategy formulation process Source: Strategic management concept and case, Fred R. David 2007  [4]   Input stage In this stage, firm has to gather all basic input information that is required to formulate strategy. They include External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE), Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE) and Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). External Factor Evaluation: EFE summaries and evaluates both macro and industry (micro) environments. Base on that evaluation, strategist can determine opportunities and threats to have appropriate solution. The aim is to promote opportunities and avoid or reduce impact of the threats. Macro Environment: PEST model is a good tool for evaluation. The components of this model include: Political: The direction and stability of the political factors are major consideration of managers in formulation strategy. Political factors define legal and regulatory frame in which the firm operates in. It includes law and regulation on fair trade, minimum wage, pollution, patent, trade mark and many other actions. Economics: This regarding the nature, environment and direction the countrys economy in which a company operates. The factors to be evaluated include interest rate, inflation rate, finance policy, unemployment, risk level of investment, level of integration of the economy to world economy or to international organization that it is member of, trade balance, GDP growth rate and trends in growth of each economic sector. Social: demography, social structure, life style, education, religion, etc are social factors that affect a firm. Technology: Technological change can have a big impact on the industry that a firm operates. Creative technological adaptations can lead to possibilities for new products, for improvement of existing product. Industry environment: Michael Porters Five Force Model is the tool for this analysis. Competitors: This is the major determinant of competitiveness of the industry. Factors to be evaluated are number of competitor, rate of industry growth, economic of scale, sustainable competitive advantages and fixed cost allocation per value added etc. Suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is measured by determining supplier switching cost versus the firm switching cost, degree of differentiation of inputs, present of substitute inputs. Customers: Bargaining power of customers is the ability of customer to force prices down, ask for more higher quality service and play competitors off each other. The level of this power depends on customer volume, switching cost, availability of substitute products and differentiation of products. New entrants: The new entrants bring threat of higher level of competition. This threat is measured through barriers to entry, switching cost, economics of scale, product differentiation, capital requirement etc. Substitute products: The existence of replacement product brings in threat of customer to switch to other alternatives. The determined factors are relative price of substitute, customer propensity to substitute, buyer switching cost, product differentiation. Figure 3: Industry environment (Porter Five Forces Model) Porters Five Forces Source: Mindtool.com  [5]   After gathering information, all external factors are quantitatively evaluated with weight and rating score. Weight of a factor would indicate the relative importance of the factor to be successful in the firms industry. A weight assign to a factor can be from 0 to 1 with condition that total weight of all factors is 1. Rating score measures responsive level of the firm to respective factor. It ranges from 1 to 4 with 1 = poor response, 2= below average response, 3 = above average response and 4 = superior response. Figure 4: Steps to develop EFE matrix Select key external factors. Weigh importance of the factors from 0 to 1. Total weight of all factors must be equal to 1 Rate the level of response of the firm to each external factor from 1 to 4 with 4 is the highest rate Calculate weighted score for each factor (TAS). TAS = factor weight * rate Total weighted score for the firm The total weighted score (TAS) is equal to weighing score time rating score. The firms EFE TAS is sum of all external factors. This TAS shows the responsiveness of the firm to the external environment. If the score is 2.5 up, it means firm response to the environment well. Internal Factor Evaluation IFE summaries and evaluates major strengths and weaknesses in all areas of a firm. This includes: Human resource: The areas to be evaluated are ability to formulate and implement the firms strategy of it management at all level, readiness of the work force to implement that strategy, capacity of the organization structure in adapting with the changes of business environment. Tangible asset: Finance resource, facility, vehicle, raw material, etc. These items are normally reflected on company balance sheet Intangible asset: These are not assets that we can touch and see, but they are very often critical in creating the firms competitive advantages like brand name, company reputation, technical knowledge, patent and trade mark. Functional groups: Capacity and performance of each function of the firm like marketing, sales, finance, RD, operation, quality managementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Similarly to EFE matrix, the IFE matrix is developed via 5 steps Figure 5: Steps to develop IFE matrix Select key internal factors. Weigh the importance of the factors from 0 to 1. Total weight of all factors must be equal to 1 Rate the level of response of the firm to each internal factor from 1 to 4 with 4 is the highest rate Calculate weighted score for each factor (TAS). TAS = factor weight * rate Total weighted score for the firm The total IFE TAS of the firm shows how strong the firm is. If it is from 2,5 upward, it means the firm is in strong status. Competitive profile Matrix CPM identifies a firm major competitor and their particular strengths and weaknesses in relation to a sample firms strategic position (David, 2007). Different from EFE, critical success factor in a CPM are broader. They dont include specific or fact data and even just focus on internal issues. The critical success factors in a Competitive Profile Matrix also are not grouped into opportunities and threats as they are in EFE. This provides internal strategic information that is also very important to the firm. Matching stage By matching and aligning key external and internal factors, this stage will generate all feasible alternative strategies. The technique use in this stage includes Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, Grand strategy Matrix. Other matrices like Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix, Internal-External (IE) Matrix, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix can be considered to use in this matching stage. SWOT Matrix The SWOT analysis was made popular by Andrew (1965). Through evaluating of components of a firms internal and external environments, this analysis enable the firm to approach its most feasible and applicable strategy to get its strategic objectives. By answer the question how the company makes the most of its strengths, circumvent its weaknesses, capitalize on its opportunities and manage its threats, SWOT model provides an efficient tool for the company long range planning base on qualitative analysis rather than merely base on quantitative forecast (Edmund P.  Learned, 1965). SWOT matrix presents a mechanism for facilitating the linkage among company strengths weaknesses threats and opportunities in the market place. It also provide framework for strategy formulation with its 4 types of strategies: SO (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy, WO (Weaknesses-Opportunities) strategy, ST (Strength-Threats) strategy and WT (Weaknesses-Threats) strategy (Figure6). Figure 6: SWOT/TOWS Strategic Alternatives Matrix External Opportunities (O) 1. 2. 3. 4. External Threats (T) 1. 2. 3. 4. Internal Strengths (S) 1. 2. 3. 4. SO Maxi-Maxi Strategy Strategies that use strengths to maximize opportunities. ST Maxi-Mini Strategy Strategies that use strengths to minimize threats. Internal Weaknesses (W) 1. 2. 3. 4. WO Mini-Maxi Strategy Strategies that minimize weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities. WT Mini-Mini Strategy Strategies that minimize weaknesses and avoid threats. Source: Mindtools.com  [6]   Manager can develop these 4 strategies by answering: SO How can his firm use its strengths to take advantage of the opportunities? ST How can his firm take advantage of its strengths to avoid real and potential threats? WO How can his firm use its opportunities to overcome the weaknesses you are experienced? WT How can his firm minimize its weaknesses and avoid threats? Grand Strategy Matrix Grand Strategy Matrix can be used by firm to select applicable strategies from all 15 principal grand strategies base on evaluating of two dimensions: competitive position and market growth. The two dimensions of Grand Strategy Matrix make up a 4 quadrant axis. Quadrant I is for firms which have strong competition position and operate in rapid growth industry. Aggressive strategies like market penetration, market development, and product development strategies are effective choice for the firm to further promote its competitiveness. The firm can also choose vertical integration to acquire business of its supplier or customer if it has excessive resources. If the firm in this Quadrant is too heavily committed to a single product, it can reduce the risk by using concentric diversification to expand its business through acquiring or generating related business in term of technology, market or product. Quadrant II represents for firms that have a weak competitive position in a rapid growth industry. These firms must evaluate its present position to the marketplace and determine what make them to be ineffective in competing in the market. The firms should firstly apply intensive strategies like market penetration, market development, product development to improve it competitiveness. Using horizontal integration to acquire similar firm(s) operating at the same stage of the product-marketing chain is also a suitable alternative in case the firm lack of a distinctive competence or competitive advantage. In the worst case when there is no chance for competitiveness improvement, divestiture or liquidation should be considered. Quadrant III is for firms operate in slow-growth industries and have weak competitive position. To avoid of further lost or even bankruptcy, the firm must take drastic changes. Retrenchment should be the first strategy that the firm considers to cut cost or reduce asset. Other options for firms on this quadrant are divestiture or liquidation. Quadrant IV is for firms that have a strong competitive position but are in a slow growth industry. Diversification to more promising growth areas is the efficient strategy in this case. The firms can pursue concentric diversification strategy to expand its business to related areas or conglomerate diversification strategy to acquire business that not synergic to its current one but have high profit margin. Figure 7: Grand strategy Matrix Rapid Market growth Quadrant II Slow market growth Strong competition Position Weak competition Position Quadrant IV Quadrant I Quadrant III Source: Formulation, Implementation and Control of Competitive Strategy, Pearce/Robinson, 2000 Decision stage At this final stage of strategy formulation, Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) is used to evaluate feasible alternative strategies identified in Stage 2 with input information from Stage 1. Evaluation through QSPM reveals the relative attractiveness of alternative strategies and thus it is base for selecting specific strategies. This technique allows top managers to assess alternative strategies objectively based on a firms internal strengths/weaknesses and external opportunities/threats (David, 1986). In QSPM, left column consists of key internal and external factors from Stage 1, and the top row includes feasible alternative strategies from Stage 2. Information of key internal/external factors and weight of each factors are extracted directly from the EFE Matrix and IFE Matrix. The top row of a QSPM includes alternative strategies derived from matrixes that used in Stage 2. These matching tools usually generate similar feasible alternatives (David, 2007). QSPM determines best strategy to the firms by calculating total attractiveness scores (Multiply Attractiveness Score with Weight of each factor for each alternative strategy) and sum Total Attractiveness Scores of each alternative strategy in the QSPM table. As mentioned above, weights of the internal and external factors are directly transferred from IFE and EFE matrix in Stage 2 and Attractiveness Scores (AS) are defined as quantitative values with 1 for not attractive, 2 for somewhat attractive, 3 for reasonably attractive, and 4 for highly attractive. Figure 8: Qualitative Strategic Planning Management (QSPM) model Internal factors Weight Strategy alternative Strategy 1 Strategy 2 AS TAS AS TAS 1 2 3 External factors 1 2 3 Total attractive core Total Attractiveness Scores will show the relative attractiveness of each optional strategy, considering the impact of the adjacent internal or external critical success factor. The higher the Total Attractiveness Score, the more attractive the strategic alternative is. The Sum Total Attractiveness Scores reveal most attractive strategy in each set of alternatives (Figure 8).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hacking :: science

Hacking Describe a negative aspect of ICT’s impact on the information society. Describe how ICT has brought this about and what society is has done in response to it. Abstract Hacking has been and still disease different societies suffer from. The essay aims to provide the reader with knowledge regarding the effects hacking caused to our society, and how the society responded and tried to solve or minimize those effects. Different issues regarding hacking are discussed, such as the motivations that were behind guiding hackers who were at first computer professional to perform unauthorized activities, at the same time a discussion about the types of attacks can be found. The society response to hacking attacks lacks till this moment the ability to stop or completely prevent attacks from happening because as long as security tools are developed, more sophisticated hacking attacks are invented. That’s why we should start to think about hacker’s psychology as the main way to prevent and stop attacks by understanding their needs or desires. Introduction The Oxford English Dictionary defines hacking as â€Å"cut or chop roughly; mangle: cut (one’s way)†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to its present definition as â€Å"gain unauthorized access (to data in a computer)†. Banks (1997:11) defines hacking as â€Å"something that boring mainframe computer operators did to improve performance and battle boredom.† Here banks focuses on boredom as the reason of hacking. A more technical definition of hacking according to Digital Guards data base (2001) is â€Å"unauthorized use, or attempts to circumvent or bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network.† Darlington (2001) believes hacking is not limited to accessing data or information but also includes an attack on the privacy of all people. Almost all different opinions agree on the illegality of hacking. On the other hand the word hacker is the agent of hack or hacking and it was defined as a person who enjoys accessing files whether for fun, imposing power or the interest related to the accessed files or data according to Taylor (1999). While Marotta (in Taylor, 1993) has a negative view of the hacker as a data lord, a barbarian who takes what he wants. Himanen (2001) defines hacker as any person who performs illegal actions whether they were related to computer or not which means the usage of a device apart from its functionality. Seems hacking according to Himanen is related to any illegal or unauthorized action. Seebach (1999) finds hacker as a person who feels delighted and full of joy when being able to access a system and break the security utilities but Himanen (2001) doesn’t consider hacker as a thief.

Monday, November 11, 2019

“Born To Run” by Christopher McDougall Essay Essay

In Christopher McDougall’s â€Å"Born to Run† a lot has been written about the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico and their almost superhuman ability to run hundreds of miles over rugged terrain while suffering little in the way of fatigue or injury. It appears that the Tarahumara are the last members of the human race to live up to our true evolutionary potential. You could chalk up their success to a lack of junk food, stress and the evils of 21st century society, or perhaps they have been somehow genetically endowed with endurance abilities that the rest of us lost at the beginning of the Industrial Age. We learn that this seemingly lost ability is actually alive and well in the strangest places and people. In â€Å"Born to Run†, McDougall tracks down members of the reclusive Tarahumara Indian tribe in the Mexican Copper Canyons. After being repeatedly injured as a runner himself, McDougall marvels at the tribe’s ability to run ultra-distances (over 320 km) at incredible speeds, without getting the routine injuries of most American runners. The book has received attention in the sporting world for McDougall’s description of how he overcame injuries by modeling his running after the Tarahumara. He asserts that modern cushioned running shoes are a major cause of running injury, pointing to the thin sandals called huaraches worn by Tarahumara runners, and the explosion of running-related injuries since the introduction of modern running shoes in 1972. Alongside his research into the Tarahumara, McDougall delves into why the human species, unique among other primates, has developed traits for endurance running. He promotes the endurance running hypothesis, arguing that humans left the forests and moved to the savannas by developing the ability to run long distances in order to literally run down prey. If you look at humans from a physiological point  of view, we are an upright biped, a body type that would make us very vulnerable to attack on the plains of Africa. There is no physiological advantage that we have that can exploit in order to hunt and be successful, apart from the ability to run long distances. Running, for the Tarahumara is integral to their societal structure and even the way in which they run, in strategic formation in respect to social rank, improves their endurance and their speed, as well as having incalculable benefits on their fitness, mental well-being and social health. The fact that in the Tarahumara society, clinical depression, greed, crime, war, violence, domestic abuse, as well as a host of modern illness such as cancer and heart disease is virtually unheard of. The Tarahumara lives to a ripe old age and is extremely happy in doing so. The greatest race the world has never seen refers to the Copper Canyon Ultra marathon but it could equally refer to the Human Race, and its history of development which is intertwined with running. Running helped make us who we are, and it IS who we are, it is one of the purest expressions of our humanity and deserves its place as so. When it comes to going ultra-distances, nothing could beat the Tarahumara not a racehorse, not a cheetah, not even an Olympic marathoner. Very few outsiders had ever seen the Tarahumara in action, but amazing stories of their superhuman toughness and tranquility have drifted out of the canyons for centuries. One explorer spent 10 hours crossing a mountain by mule while a Tarahumara runner made the same trip in 90 minutes. One reason the Tarahumara squeeze so much mileage out of their feet is because they don’t baby them. The Tarahumara add strength to their stride from childhood by passing a wooden ball with their feet as they race through the woods. Keeping the ball in play means lunging, backpedalling and twisting all movements that later translate into powerful, economical self-propulsion. Your body needs to be shocked to become resilient and for the Tarahumara, that’s just daily life. They step into the unknown every time they leave their caves because they never know how fast they’ll have to  sprint after a rabbit, how much firewood they’ll have to haul home, or how tricky the climbing will be during a winter storm. Before the Tarahumara run long, they get strong. Personally I think the Tarahumara Indians motive people to do their best in running. At least I know they have motivated me to do better in my events in Track and Field. And with this in mind I can see improvement and so have my coaches.